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Date: September 28, 2022
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST
Location: Virtual Event

A tribe or tribal entity typically enters into hundreds of contracts per year.  Negotiating and drafting appropriate dispute resolution provisions in these contracts is an important way that tribes can protect their sovereignty and other interests. 

Chloe Thompson Villagomez presents at this CLE co-sponsored by the Tribal In-House Counsel Association and the State Bar of Arizona's Indian Law Section. Her presentation will cover:

    • Identifying and addressing waivers (or potential waivers) of sovereign immunity, 
    • Crafting appropriate dispute resolution processes, and 
    • Considering other contractual provisions for preventing and handling disputes. 

The discussion will also examine things to keep in mind in drafting indemnification provisions, limitations of liability, governing law provisions, choice-of-forum provisions, and arbitration provisions.  

For more information, please visit the Tribal In-House Counsel Association website.

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